E-mail: j.naujokaitene@saule.kaunas.lm.lt
Phone: +370 683 08 102

Justina Naujokaitienė

Justina Naujokaitienė Having graduated from the Department of Social sciences at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) in 2010, Justina Naujokaitienė is currently working as a deputy headmaster and Psychology teacher at Kaunas “Saulės“ gymnasium, responsible for teachers of exact and natural sciences, ICT integration in curricula, in addition, she is the curator of students secondary education. She got her M.A. in Organizational Psychology at VMU in 2010. She is currently pursuing PhD in Education Sciences at VMU. The main scientific and pedagogical interests are didactical challenges, collaborative learning, teacher education, the use of ICT, technology enhanced learning, learning analytics, ethics and organizational culture.

E-mail: d.kulvietiene@saule.kaunas.lm.lt
Phone: +370 683 08 185

Dovilė Kulvietienė

Having graduated from English Philology at Vilnius University (VU) in 2001, Dovilė Kulvietienė is currently working as a deputy headmaster and the English language teacher at Kaunas “Saulės“ gymnasium, responsible for teachers of foreign languages and social sciences, integration of subjects in curricula, teachers` qualification and methodical work and processes. She is the curator of students in basic education. She got her M.A. in English Philology at VU in 2001. The main special and pedagogical interests are innovative methods of teaching motivating students to get involved in the process of learning, challenges in education, collaborative learning, teacher education, technology use and subject integration, organizational management, culture and ethics.

E-mail: indre.svedkauskiene@gmail.com
Phone: +370 608 35 318

Indrė Švedkauskienė

Having graduated from the Faculty of Philology at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LEU) in 2013, Indrė Švedkauskienė is currently working as the English language teacher at Kaunas “Saulės” gymnasium. Also, she got her M.A. in International Business Management at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) in 2015. Having business knowledge leads to having two different mindsets for any given situation, requiring the intellectual ability to organize work in class, react successfully to unanticipated events, be prepared to interact with different people. The main special and pedagogical interests are teacher education, technology-based learning strategies, innovative methods of teaching to improve student’s engagement, motivation and attainment, subject integration and ethics.

E-mail: i.peckiene@gmail.com
Phone: +370 686 40773

Ilona Pečkienė

Having graduated from English Philology at Vilnius University (VU) in 2000 and gained teaching qualification at VPU (Vilnius Pedagogical University) in 2008, Ilona Pečkienė is currently working as the English language teacher at Kaunas “Saulės” gymnasium, responsible for teaching students of 9th-12th grades. The main special and pedagogical interests are teacher education and professional development, information and communication technology based learning, integrated learning, innovative methods of teaching supporting students to become independent, co-operative, collaborative learners as well getting involved in the process of learning, creating multicultural awareness through teaching the fundamentals of the English language, culture and ethics.