METU DF Schools is a private school under the foundation of the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. It was established in 1989 and since then it has reached to a number over 4000 students and 400 teachers.
To be among the leading schools in Turkey and to be well-known in the international arena.
To train our students as individuals who are faithful to Atatürk’s principles and who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values essential to contemporary life in the environments where development of individual traits is attached importance and where opportunities of self realization are created.
Middle East Technical University - The Department of Foreign Language Education
Middle East Technical University was founded on November 15th, 1956 to contribute to the development of Turkey and Middle East countries and especially to train people so as to create a skilled workforce in the fields of natural and social sciences. Middle East Technical University's presence brought about new methods and introduced innovations to Turkish higher education system manifesting METU as a pioneer of modern education nationwide. The medium of instruction at METU is English.
Owing to the quality academic education that emphasizes merit and excellence in scientific, cultural and intellectual studies as well as owing to the accomplished and qualified METU graduates, the University has become one of the distinguished and respectable institutions of Turkey. Today, the University is proud to employ about 791 faculty (professors, associates professors etc.), 225 academic instructors and 1.273 research assistants. It is a great pleasure to offer education to over 28.000 students. The total number of the alumni now is above 120.000.
The Department of Foreign Language Education offers B.A, M.A. and Ph.D programs in English Language Teaching; M.A. and Ph.D. programs in English Literature. Taking into consideration the latest developments in the field, students are provided with a solid foundation in the English language, English literature, methodology, educational sciences and linguistics in order to make them fully qualified teachers of English in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions.