Flipped Impact is a KA201 (Key Action 2- Strategic Partnership for School Education) project within the scope of Erasmus+, which refers to cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. The specific objectives of the project are;

  • to promote language skills and multiliteracies,
  • to provide an opportunity for differentiated instruction strategies,
  • to improve K-12 learners’ level of English language proficiency,
  • to guide pre-service teachers to devise educational tools and methodologies related to technologies
  • to enhance intercultural awareness and diversity.




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It is a teaching approach where students get to know the course content before class through reading texts or videos, so when they come to class, they spend class time for deepening their understanding of that content through active learning exercises.

The flipped classroom is:

● A means to INCREASE interaction and personalized contact time between students and teachers.

● An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning.

● A classroom where the teacher is not the sage on the stage, but the guide on the side.

● A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning.

● A classroom where students who are absent due to illness or extra-curricular activities such as athletics or field-trips, don't get left behind.

● A class where content is permanently archived for review or remediation.

● A class where all students are engaged in their learning.

● A place where all students can get a personalized education.

Unlike the traditional approach, the “flip” shifts the first exposure to outside of classand the deeper learning to class time.

The flipped classroom isn’t

● A synonym for online videos. When most people hear about the flipped class all they think about are the videos. It is the interaction and the meaningful learning activitiesthat occur during the face-to-face time that is most important.

● About replacing teachers with videos.

● An online course.

● Students working without structure.

● Students spending the entire class staring at a computer screen.

● Students working in isolation.

According to some scholars getting the information is easier than assimilating the transferred information. So, doing the more challenging process in the classroom where all the partners that can assist are available provides a situation where the students really benefit from the feedback and collaboration. For instructors who always want to include more active learning exercises in their classes, it is a great chance to plan more activities to conduct active learning.

The answer is yes, and here's why.

How do you flip a science class? Take your direct instruction, put that on a video. All that time you get back, labs, labs, labs. Get your kids involved in hands on learning. In fact, start going down the road of inquiry. Have your students engage in a question and an investigation before you supplement then with some of that video content.

In math class, it's like the biggest no brainer in the flip classroom. Kids struggle with math content, so put the problems and how to do that on the video, so that when they're in class, they get the help that they need. But don't just solve problems, make sure you're also bringing in problems and projects that enhance the learning environment for your students.

Can you flip a class like English that isn't real content heavy? The answer's yes. Think about the mechanics, the mechanics of language, the mechanics of grammar, the mechanics of writing. Those are the type of instructional things you could put on a video, so that you can get your time back in your class to actually get the students involved in the writing process. You could also use those videos as a remediation tool for students who come to your class without the prerequisite skills.

What about a practical subject like art or woodworking? Well, make a video on techniques and tools the students would use so that in class, they can apply those same techniques and tools. So that in class, the students are making things.

Social studies teachers can leverage video to deliver concept overviews. That way, you can get class time back to get students involved in dialog and reading original documents. That way, they're learning more about why things happen in history that just what happened in history.

Can you flip a physical education class? Of course you can, so make a video on how to serve a volleyball, so when the kids come to class, they can serve volleyballs, or how to play a particular game so that when they come to class, they can play the game. This frees up class time for teachers who are bogged down with too much explanation and rule giving.

We should have asked about lecture-style classrooms. How does a lecture one size that fit all work for all learners within the classroom and it really doesn't.

We saw through the flipped classrooms that these students interact with information differently. Some like to watch the video all the way through before they took notes, some like to pause and write down things as they went. So we realized it in a lecture style classroom they were really missing out on using their individual styles of learning to go through the information.

The other thing that most people say is what about the other students that really need some more one-on-one. The lower level learners have also excelled because once the information is broken down a little bit slower they can go back and look over information, they can work at their own pace in order to be successful.

The middle group of learners this group has struggled more than any with the flipped style method of teaching and that's because we've done this group a little bit of injustice with how we lecture within the classroom we've kind of catered to the middle group of students we've spoon-fed them; information here, follow my example and then you do this and so this middle group of learners has really not developed the skills they need to be successful in breaking down and applying information.

That's why flipping has is really a much better method for all learners because we're helping these lower level learners go at their own pace, we're sending the higher level students on and we're actually helping the middle group of students to learn the skills they need to apply information and start to be more successful in breaking down what they need to be successful.