E-mail: ausra.rutkiene@vdu.lt
Phone: +370 37 327821

Aušra Rutkienė

Aušra Rutkienė is Assoc. Prof. at Educational Academy at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) since 2009. She is involved in students’ teaching at BA, MA and PhD levels, also in management of MA programme Educational Management (in cooperation with UNESCO) and BA programme Pedagogy of Primary Education and Early Foreign Language Teaching, and research in the field of education. Personal research areas: adult learning, technology enhanced learning, quantitative research methodology and data analysis. Took part in several European and national programmes and projects (FP6, ERASMUS+, TEMPUS). She is producing documents at university and national levels, carrying out studies, organising events to learn from projects and making visible results and findings on national and international levels. Ausra Rutkiene is co-author of several monographs, research studies, textbook, and number of national and international publications.

E-mail: ilona.tandzegolskiene@vdu.lt
Phone: +370 698 26840

Ilona Tandzegolskiene

Ilona Tandzegolskiene was born in Kaunas, Lithuania and studied in 1994-1998 at Vilnius University, where got the Bachelor of Reading and Translation from Russian and German languages. In 1998-2000 she studied at Vytautas Magnus University and obtained Master of Education Degree. In 2004-2008 she studied at Vytautas Magnus University and obtained Doctor of Social Sciences Degree. Ilona Tandzegolskiene worked since 2005 at Vytautas Magnus University. Currently Ilona Tandzegolskienė is working as an Associate Professor at Education Academy (Vytautas Magnus University). The research interests are: autonomous learning, career design, modern didactics and leadership in the educational system. She is member of Lithuanian Educational Research Association since 2016.

E-mail: eilina.dailidiene@vdu.lt
Phone: +370 37 323296


Eilina Dailidienė, the graduate of Vytautas Magnus University (BA in Humanity Sciences, English language and literature; MA in Social Sciences, Vocational Training Management; PhD in Social Sciences, Education Studies) is working at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) since 2001. She is involved in university’s research and innovation activities to develop sustainable institutional approach matching the complex profile of project culture. The research interests refer to project development and management strategy, human resources development, career design, cultural and creative industries. 


E-mail: egle.krivikaite-leisiene@vdu.lt


Eglė Krivickaitė-Leišienė is the lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) since 2011. She is involved in students’ teaching at both BA and MA levels. Eglė got PhD in 2016. The research interests refer to psycholinguistics, native language learning, specific language disorders (SLI), bilingualism / multilingualism. Eglė is the co-author of several research studies and a number of national and international publications, as well as the participant of several national and international projects.

E-mail: lingyi.chu@vdu.lt


Lingyi Chu, also referred to as Julie, is currently the researcher and PhD candidate at the Education Academy of Vytautas Magnus University. Her research interest is in cross-cultural education and multicultural classrooms. 

Julie's background is in sociology, educational counseling, and educational research methodology. She is also an international school educator and administrator, and a cross-cultural education enthusiast. She has worked in governmental projects in universities and the Ministry of Education in Taiwan in promoting entrepreneurship, design thinking, and CSR in higher education. Julie is herself a life-long expat and a Cross Culture Kid (CCK) who has never lived in the same city for longer than 4 years in her life. Julie has worked and conducted educational research in Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, and Lithuania.


E-mail: kateryna.horlenko@vdu.lt


Kateryna Horlenko is the PhD candidate at Vytautas Magnus University. In her thesis she focuses on teacher-student interaction and fostering self-regulated learning. Before receiving the MA in Educational Management at Vytautas Magnus University in 2021, Kateryna took part in educational initiatives in Ukraine, Lithuania, Tunisia, and Sweden as a project manager and language instructor.  


E-mail: aida929@gmail.com
Phone: +370(680)56339

Aida Kairienė

Aida Kairienė The first bachelor’s degree in social pedagogy (study program – social pedagogy and psychology) she acquired at Siauliai university in 2008. The master’s degree in Education Science (specialization Management of Education) she acquired at Siauliai university in 2011. The second bachelor’s degree in English philology (specialization - English pedagogy) she acquired at Siauliai university in 2014. She is currently pursuing PhD in Education Science at Vytautas Magnus university. She is working on dissertation "Secondary School Students’ Rhizomatic Learning of English" . She is currently working as English language editor of journal "Pedagogy". Her main interests: rhizomatic learning of English, micropolitics, teaching and learning.