E-mail: ausra.rutkiene@vdu.lt
Phone: +370 37 327821
Aušra Rutkienė
Aušra Rutkienė is Assoc. Prof. at Educational Academy at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) since 2009. She is involved in students’ teaching at BA, MA and PhD levels, also in management of MA programme Educational Management (in cooperation with UNESCO) and BA programme Pedagogy of Primary Education and Early Foreign Language Teaching, and research in the field of education. Personal research areas: adult learning, technology enhanced learning, quantitative research methodology and data analysis. Took part in several European and national programmes and projects (FP6, ERASMUS+, TEMPUS). She is producing documents at university and national levels, carrying out studies, organising events to learn from projects and making visible results and findings on national and international levels. Ausra Rutkiene is co-author of several monographs, research studies, textbook, and number of national and international publications.