The aim of the Flipped Impact conference is two-fold. It aims to bring together English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in-service and pre-service teachers, teacher educators, as well as researchers in education, from many different contexts to discuss the findings of the Flipped Impact project findings on various aspects of flipped classrooms. It also aims to maximize opportunities for an academic exchange of ideas and networking among the participants regarding a variety of themes including but not limited to blended/hybrid learning, flipped learning/teaching, distance education, flipped task design, Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in language teaching and learning.
The overarching priority of the Flipped Impact conference is to bring together research, theory, and best (effective) practices from all (various) contexts of teacher education related to the conference themes. To this end, the conference aims to address the conceptual and practical issues in education and in English Language Teaching (ELT) regarding the following key themes: